Friday, September 29, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Science has eaten my life. Working out at the gym, I think about what type of muscles I’m using and can actually picture the sarcomeres aligning together for the contraction, the triads releasing calcium so that the actin and myosin filaments can come together. I bit into a piece of chicken and thought what would this have looked like fixated underneath a microscope instead of frozen and deep fried. I look at a party and realize all my friends have inherited the mutant gene which improperly encodes aldehyde dehydrogenase, causing a malfunction in their metabolism of alcohol. I realize that this is the path to becoming a Mad Scientist, but I'd be in good company...

Besides, I have promised a couple of friends to turn them into cyborgs in 50 years when their original body parts fail some of them.
Conservatives dislike the poor. Liberals dislike the ignorant. Me, I'm not prejudice. I usually dislike everyone.I've been meaning to avoid turning this into a political blog, but today, as more people in the Med Campus lounge paid attention to T.O. overdosing than say... the presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan having a momentous meeting at the White House and driving the course of the War on Terrorism, or say a mad gunman taking a Colorado high school hostage, I'm finding it hard not to political, or to stop reading the editorials before the sports or funny pages. The more I'm concerned about the state of our country, the more I guess I want to be informed. Aristotle was right... not about the sun revolving around the earth thing, but that man is a political animal.
Yet our media is supesaturated with sensationalist "personal" stories concerning those poor celebrities who just can't be understood. (Drudge Report, I lost faith in you during the Terri Schiavo shit-tacular news coverage. FoxNews, we were never that close.) While a piece of my heart does go to every child who falls into a well or every multi-million dollar wide-receiver who gets depressed, can I go one day with Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan acting... demur? Can't they do that one day so the rest of us can focus on the fact the world's going to shit?
And I end on a sad note: there are some days it just doesn't pay to be male.
Friday, September 22, 2006
I actually asked an intelligent question about the Michaelis-Menten equation in class today. If you’ve never heard of it consider yourself blessed from the madness.
While on the Central time zone,
It’s O-Week at the
The website on my friend's AIM away message:
Actually, my years in
Godspeed, Unit Kiersz. Godspeed!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Because a honeybee flaps its wings in five milliseconds and the average American’s attention span is becoming shorter than that. Because we want to read insightful passages of literature only if they’re based on the movie. Because great speeches like the
Today is my sister’s birthday. I sent her a text message. She hasn’t responded yet, so I don’t know if she got it, she appreciated it, or if she’s still alive.
I remember my class on “State, Society and Democratization in Southeast Asia,” which summated that there are a variety of socio-and structural reasons dependent on each country-case that came down to one basic axiom - democracy doesn’t work in Southeast Asia. I don’t know what to think about
I have a weird way of flirting. It's more noticeable if I demonstrate it in person. At least its not a handicap for me.