Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Non Symposia

There are times I forget that I'm not at UChicago anymore and that people don't want to get, or normally just can't get analytical. Case in point, a conversation I had with my neighbors, Prithi and Sarah. Prithi is planning on moving out of Boston soon and Sarah needs a roommate.

"Yeah, I just need to find one of those cats who inherited lots of money from an old lady to be my new roommate and pay half the rent," Sarah.
"But if the cat got everything in the old woman's will, wouldn't they have gotten the house too?" Me.
"Joel, don't destroy Sarah's dream. She wasn't thinking that far into it," Prithi.

Yeah, so I was accused of raining on her parade. Well, UofC people do that, often it seems.


Patrick said...

Yeah, applying serious critique to absurd jokes is not a part of the U of C ethos I'm proud of.

Nemo said...

I am. That's where the humour lies, I tell you.

Joel L. said...

It depends on the situation. Whether you want to engage in polite conversation or taunt normal people.