Thursday, December 27, 2007

History of Drugs: Part I

Something that was passed around in the lab on a holiday card, proving my ultimate association to geekiness.

Patient: Doctor, I'm in pain.
1000 B.C. Doctor: Eat this root.
250 A.D. Doctor: That root is heathen. Say this prayer.
1700 A.D. Doctor: That prayer is superstition. Take this vial.
1900 A.D. Doctor: That potion is snake-oil. Smoke this powder.
1950 A.D. Doctor: That powder is addictive. Take this pill.
1990 A.D. Doctor: That pill is not efficacious. Take this bioengineered drug.
2000s A.D. Doctor: That drug is artificial. Eat this root.

Luckily, alcohol is the drug of choice this season. Happy holidays!

1 comment:

Caelius said...

I'd change 250 AD to "eat this root, now vomit." and add a 1000 A.D.