Monday, October 02, 2006

Ever have one of those days where you're sitting in a room reading a passage on hemoglobin, or just walking down the street on a rainy day, and you stop... and start to wonder -
"How did I get down to this street? How did I get to this chapter in the textbook? Basically, you may ask did I get here?"

And you cue the 80s music. And you remember the phrase Talking Heads is more than Chris Matthews and Bill O'Reilly using their massive foreheads to intimidate guests.

So you have to remind myself:

I was born on October 21, 1983, at least that's what my parents tell me.

I would have been happy to go to an ordinary school, receive an ordinary education, make ordinary friends, and live an ordinary life...

But my parents had me take an advanced placement test in kindergarten, and not knowing the trouble it would cause, I naturally tried my very best, was labelled ADVANCED for the next years of my life in the primary school system, and was immediately shipped to the best schools in Kentucky...

Then when that got expensive, my parents transferred me to the best magnet school in the state, which furthered my resume-padding that America now applauds...

And sent me to one of the best academic institutions, where I realized that being blindfolded and in a dark cave wouldn't have been so bad if Socrates wasn't a little pederastic whiny bitch...

I would've been happy with an ordinary girlfriend, having an ordinary job, living an ordinary life. Teenage romance is the same thing. But somehow I always want the girls out of my reach - too pretty, too sexy, too psychotic, too much of an econ major...

Somehow I want the jobs and accomplishments that aren't befitting ordinary people, but an ordinary life looks so peaceful from up here in the tower...

Which leads you here, walking down the street, reading about the Bohr effect and which histidine residues are the main effectors on hemoglobin, on a rainy day, letting the days go by, and the water flowing underground.

And you cue the 80s music. And you remember the phrase Talking Heads is more than Chris Matthews and Bill O'Reilly using their massive foreheads to intimidate guests.

Seems like a logical day, right?

On a lighter note, we're closer to achieving a Leviathan state, one basically where we've just sold out our ideals for freedom and equality to all men for "security" of just "American citizens". Hobbes bless us, everyone.

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