Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Return to Form: aka more random thoughts.

A homeless/drunk/schizophrenic (pick one, I don't care) was sitting at the back of the bus during my morning commute saying a very loud, and very chauvinistic prayer. According to him, I'm a part of the "sodomites, nuclear terrorists, homosexuals, and pedophiles" ruining the country and driving it down to Satan because I'm an immigrant. Well, glad to know I'm a vessel of the devil.

My friend Robert does work with the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, a think tank dedicated to combatting the spread of strategic weapons and limiting current stockpiles. That's the good news - such a group exists. The bad news: they're realizing the IAEA has a lack of candor about what their job is supposed to be. For more information on why the fallout shelter might go back in style, visit these critiques 1) and 2) at the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center.

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