Anyone else tired of the 2008 Election already? I dug up this old article of mine from three years back about the problems of the primary system today. What did most states do? Try to move up their primaries to earlier dates. My only mistake - what crack was I smoking when I picked Dick Gephardt?
"Primary system fails America"
If only U.S. presidential elections were chosen by the candidate who got the most items on a Scav Hunt list...one can dream.
That might make the weird guy from Max that ate his own umbilical cord president. Creepy.
Moreover, Scav Teams are generally organinsed along fascist lines, and we all know fascism has an extremely fast rate of collapse. That's fine for the fourdays (Oh, yeah, I went there.... you'll see), but not so fine for a, say, fouryearterm.
I said candidate, not team, so there'd have to be some campaign finance rules stating the candidate had to participate in every item like building the giant sombrero.
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