Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Onion

Study: 38 Percent Of People Not Actually Entitled To Their Opinion

CHICAGO—In a surprising refutation of the conventional wisdom on opinion entitlement, a study conducted by the University of Chicago's...


Vanessa said...

only at the U(C) do they state the obvious so elegantly . . .

Nemo said...

See, we just ship them off in a space ship and say that the other 62% are following in subsequent spaceships....

Joel L. said...

Your space ship idea intrigues me sir, but can't we just use giant sling shots also?

Patrick said...

No, they have to think that they're going to help set up the new Earth. Because the old one's going to be eaten by a giant goat or something.

Anonymous said...

As a former object of your adoration, I stumbled upon your reference to my site in early October last year, and I'd like to welcome you back as an old fan now that the site is revamped and more frequently updated these days.