Friday, August 10, 2007

Complete with a Ceiling Crawling Crack Baby

I've been up since 4 AM studying MCAT Chemistry and finished two Med School Secondary Applications. That was such a rush...(puts out cigarette on arm)...I'M ALIVE!!!!
And now I need a fifth of bourbon, a monkey wrench and a blowtorch.


Vanessa said...

why a blowtorch?

Patrick said...

You didn't even feel a need to ask about the monkey wrench?

Hurrah, Joel!

Joel L. said...

yet both of you didn't say anything about handling either power tools with bourbon?

Patrick said...

There's no mystery about how you're going to use the bourbon, Joel. It's the other two that invite speculation.

Vanessa said...

maybe he's loosening something, pouring bourbon on it, and lighting the whole thing on fire!

Also, neither a monkey wrench nor a true blowtorch would be considered a power tool, as neither depends on power. If you're really thinking of a soldering iron, you should be more specific.

Joel L. said...

i was implying you shouldn't let your friends handle tools while drinking, but then Scav items would have never been done.

and i did mean smoldering iron.

Vanessa said...

as a captain, i wouldn't has had a problem with you playing with all 3 simultaneously, why would I now?